Sunday, June 12, 2011

To do or not to do is the question.......

My friend just said that when your aspirations come in the way of your dreams, you start looking at yourself as an opponent. A real expression of the feelings. This is something which does not happen with everyone. There are only few who face this situation and there are still less numbers who come out victorious. The latter is the community which I want to be a part of. Where will I land is left to the time though.

I was wondering why does this happen? Is it the money which attracts me towards the aspirations or is it the need for security or is it plain indecision which is stopping me from going in a single direction. A long thought on it & I just got the probable answer. The probable culprit here is a very natural & a very humane feeling.. HOPE.

The moment I decide that my dream is the way forward & I need to leave everything behind for it. When I tell myself that this risk is worth taking, everything looks settled. I sleep over my decision. Yes a decision finally. Next day when I wake up, it is like I had a long discussion with my mind & I am again confused. The family, friend and all others who measure my success by the money I earn stop me from following my dream. Their hopes from me are different than the path I have chosen. I then just keep my dreams to myself for some time & let the time pass.

It rarely happens.. But is does that I start to feel that my dreams are more of a childhood fantasy & nothing much. My ways of becoming an independent person & following his own dreams is just a false alarm of success. I then think that lets leave it & trade along the more traditional path. The moment I decide this, like minded people come to me. They show me that my dream has a real potential to become big. It is surely a world beater concept & I should not leave it in between. Well..... The devil's advocate comes back & my hopes of becoming successful while following the dream come back. They stay there until the next thought process & this cycle just keeps repeating itself.

I tell myself every time that just take a decision & stick to it. But that's much easy to say & much more difficult to do. Its just not possible to let go the dreams & the current aspirations also. Just a feeling of being stuck remains!!!!!

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