Monday, September 28, 2009

Outsourced Murder............

Let me start the the story with few imaginary characters. Gurmeet Singh (A Son of Indian farmer), currently a successful businessman in England. Manpreet Kaur, Wife of Gurmeet (Currently a housewife). Kartar Singh, Close friend of Gurmeet (Currently in UK working with Gurmeet). All of them migrated to UK some 3-4 years back. All in all a happy family and a friend circle. All three are very good friends and spend time together whenever possible. Manpreet and Gurmeet are also searching for a nice girl so that kartar can settle down and live happily. Manpreet and Kartar feel like real brother and sister.

The things look pretty for sometime until a day comes when Gurmeet faces the recession and starts getting tensed about the business prospects. He starts getting annoyed with every little thing. Manpreet and Gurmeet start fighting over smallest of issues and often Kartar has to step in to calm the situation. But his intentions are misinterpreted by Gurmeet and he starts suspecting the relationship between Manreet and Kartar. Gurmeet starts harassing manpreet and the relation takes a worst turn when Gurmeet openly asks Manpreet about the same. She strongly denies and goes into a sobbing mood. This was never enough to convince Gurmeet. He thinks that she is avoiding the topic and comes up with a plan.

He takes Manpreet and goes to his native, a remote Village in Punjab, India. Manpreet thinks that this trip is to improve their relationship. So she is enjoying her stay there. She makes few friends there and starts visiting places. One day the whole family goes to visit the family temple and while returning, their vehicle meets with an accident. Some of the family members are injured and poor Manpreet loses her life. Gurmeet goes into depression and decides to go back to UK. The family members want him to stay but he just can't tolerate the bad memories and goes back to UK. Kartar consoles him and helps him get back to Normal. That's all which is visible to a normal person. The reality is a bit harsher and has lot of twists. Lets explore the reality.

Things were normal as they should be before Gurmeet suspected Manpreet and Kartar's relations and then the happenings took an ugly turn. Gurmeet decided that this has to end, even with brutality. So he searched for a contract killer in UK. It was too costly and too risky considering the Law and Order situation in UK. So he called his friend in Punjab, India and narrated the whole story.

His friend in Punjab, let's say Balbeer was a honcho kind of a person in the village. He knew the local police folks very well. He had bribed them number of times in last few years from time to time so attitude of Police was friendly towards Balbeer. He contacted a Sub-Inspector of Punjab Police and asked for help. The SP then caught hold of a local criminal who was involved in theft and all small cases. He threatened the thief and also lured him with some amount of money. The thief finally gave in and agreed to perform the job given. The information was conveyed to Gurmeet via Balbeer.

Gurmeet planned a trip to Village after hearing the news. Manpreet was more than happy to go to her native. The couple arrived in India and went to Punjab to visit their families. Everything was picture perfect till then. One fine day, whole family went for a trip to nearby shrine. They enjoyed the day and decided to visit a lake nearby. Gurmeet and Manpreet stayed back as Gurmeet suddenly started feeling dizzy. He however convinced his family members to go ahead and enjoy the trip to lake. After everybody was gone, Gurmeet decided to take rest and slept in the car only to wake up after 10 minutes and demand water. Manpreet recalled that water bottles were in the bag taken away by rest of the family members so she goes out of car to purchase water bottles.

She walks for a distance and then BANGggg comes the shot to her head. The thief, who was there with the family as a car driver, suddenly comes out and hits Manpreet to knock her unconscious. He again hits and keeps hitting her on forehead with the wooden rod till Manpreet seizes to be alive. He then picks up Manpreet with help of Gurmeet and puts her back in the car. Gurmeet covers Manpreet's head with Dupatta (A Sort of Indian Scarf) and cuddles her up in his arms to show the fake affection towards his now dead wife. The thief drives the car towards lake and Gurmeet ends the trip of everybody saying that even Manpreet is not feeling well so they got to go home. People get in car and make sure that they don't disturb Manpreet, comfortably resting in arms of Gurmeet.

The driver then starts driving towards their house only to listen constant shouts from Gurmeet to drive faster. He goes on increasing the speed and finally on a turn, barges his vehicle into a truck standing. The panic takes over for a few minutes and when everybody comes back to their senses, realize that Gurmeet and Manpreet are nowhere to be found. They search frantically and find both of them still inside the car. They pull the couple out of the car and find that Manpreet is having a severe head injury. The ambulance is called and police report is filed. Doctors declare the patient, dead on arrival. Police do the crime scene investigation and find the reason of death as accident. The good old SP friend of Balbeer can't do any better. So the case gets closed and the rest is history. Nobody bothers about the driver or the happenings. Everyone consoles Gurmeet and the life moves on. Gurmeet is now a settled business man in UK. He broke the partnership with Kartar after a pity fight over business decisions. He established himself hard and firm in UK business circle. He marries again and is a proud (????) father of two children.

Well....... This is 90% similar to what is happening now-a-days in India, the new outsourcing giant. Wealthy families in UK, US and many more countries are outsourcing the murders to India. It helps them in avoiding the legal procedures in their countries. The legal system in India can be compromised with a little amount of money which might be 1/5th of what will be required in the other countries. The Indian police are also ill-equipped to tackle the problem of nabbing the culprits who fly out of India. The sentiments associated with the incident and the dead person also make it difficult to question the relatives about anything and everything in near future.

This harrowing trend was unearthed by Scotland yard police while probing various cases associated with missing people who went to India and never returned. Parents of the girls who went missing filed complaints which made Scotland yard police dig out the truth. This disturbing trend claims at least 100 innocents in a year. The British detectives and investigation agencies can't do anything without support from their counterparts in India who are very reluctant to let out any information for the fear of getting caught by the govt or by the people who have committed the crime. So the culprits roam around freely only to return and commit the same crime again.

The most disturbing part is, this outsourcing phenomenon is witnessing a boom due to recent economical crisis and the stress which couples had to undergo because of it. The low costs and lowest risk also added the necessary ingredients to the outsourced murder recipe. Though British law makers are committing to punish the guilty folks, it's unlikely that without India participating wholeheartedly in the investigation process, anything can be done to gather the evidences and seek the justice.

1 comment:

  1. Great finding nikhil.One of the cons that globalisation brings with itself. The more people move away from their families they tend to become more materialistic minded and move away from their social relationships.
