Sunday, August 16, 2009

The 62 years of confusion

Scene 1 - Place - Wagha Border (India)
Screams.... "Bharat Mata Ki Jay"

Scene 2 - Place - Attari Border (Pakistan)
Screams.... "Pakistan Zindabaad"

Scene 3 - Place - Patriotic Movie in any theater in India
Screams.... "Doodh Maango Kheer denge.. Kashmir maango cheer denge"

Scene 4 - Place - Any cricket stadium in pakistan with pakistan almost to India
Screams.... "Ye match tumhara par poora kashmir hamara hai"

Some of the very common sites in both the countries....... A combined population of 1.5 billion, successful in confusing self for 62 years and still enjoying the same. Both of them claiming Kashmir to be theirs and fighting for it vigorously. Spamming orkut, facebook, twitter, youtube or any public forum for that matter. Hacking into each others sites. Governments spending probably the biggest chunk on defense purchases(leave aside the share of politicians and middlemen). Testing nuclear weapons, launching nuclear sub-marines, missiles, Indians coming up with biggest military defense deal ever in history..... All this only for one cause. To save each other from each other and fighting for kashmir. Children in both the countries learn K for Kashmir to keep the patriotism going.

But who really owns kashmir which was once called as HeavenOn Earth or Switzerland on India. Is it the oh so non violent Indians, so called failed state pakistan? The views are diverse and there is justification for everything and from everyone. One line of experts (loll) search the pages of history and claim that kashmir belongs to India. Other experts claim that pakistan won the kashmir in 1947 war (to which Indians love to refer as Insurgency). so both the sides are in a stalemate. but the reality is twisted and partially hidden.

Kashmir was as independent as India and Pakistan when it was formed during the partition. India and Pakistan parted their ways and Kashmir joined none. It was under king Hari Singh, the ruler of Kashmir at that time. He was pretty confident or may be overconfident about his abilities to run a state without help from India or Pakistan. His confidence was short lived as Pakistani army entered Kashmir and ran through Hari Singh's army to reach Srinagar. Hari Singh knew that his time was up and he surrendered Kashmir to India. Pandit Nehru was quick to use Indian army and the insurgents were pushed away from kashmir but not completely. Before the insurgents from whole kashmir could be cleared, the newly formed Republic of India made a vital mistake. They asked UN to intervene and accepted the cease fire decision. So Pakistanis stayed where they were on the day of cease fire and Indians occupied the remaining part. India declared Kashmir as special state and made it a special child. Later India and Pakistan fought many wars and accepted that Line of Control is the border. Issue solved???

Not at all. It just began. Pakistan claimed again. Hari singh was not the ruler of Kashmir when he signed the papers for merging Kashmir into India. Its as good as selling a house when the bank already took it over or Hitler merging Germany into China when Russian and NATO forces were in Berlin. So according to this theory, India was morally and legally incorrect when they attacked pakistani forces. India on the other side claims to have got the signature on merger papers before complete fall of kashmir. So pakistan has no rights on Kashmir. So again a stalemate.

Even though both the countries have internationally accepted the Line of Control as border, nobody allows their citizens to do the same. Indians still call the pakistani side of Kashmir as POK(Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) and take objection to pakistan calling Indian side as IOK. The first and only agenda for any pakistani leader has been kashmir. The leaders know they can't have kashmir but still keep fooling poor pakistani fellows and so do Indian leaders by claiming to join POK to kashmir to form "Akhand Bharat". So what's the solution???

The simple solution is to accept everything that as decided after the war with complete faith and follow it loyally. This will help both the countries cut down defense budget and help them grow faster. The home grown conflicts like Terrorism, parallel economy etc will be completely eliminated and so will be eliminated the election manifestos, big long speeches of politicos, the reasons to ask votes every election, reasons to earn money from every defense deal, reasons to get and praise martyrs, reasons to shout during cricket matches, reason of digging grounds before India-Pak matches and reasons to get confused. These same reasons have forced the politicians from both sides to let the issue be where it is for 62 years which could have been solved in less than 6.2 minutes if solved willingly.

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